Burt's Bees: Hair Care Campaign

The Client: Burt’s Bees is a natural body and skincare company best known for their lip balms. However, they have expanded their product offerings to include hair care, such as shampoos and conditioner. The goal of this project was to increase brand awareness and more specifically boost awareness of the Burt’s Bees hair care collection.
Target Audience: There were two distinct audiences for this project:
- Granola Girls between the ages of 22 – 30 who are green-conscience and are already aware of Burt’s Bees products. However, they may be unaware of the hair care collection.
- Mainstream Beauty Queens who are between the ages of 16 -30 who have not jumped on the green train.
The Big Idea: Increase brand awareness & loyalty by convincing female beauty shoppers that Burt’s Bees is the healthiest hair care option because the beauty shopper & their hair deserve better than chemically-filled shampoos and conditioners.
Roles: Art Director, Copywriter, Designer
Deliverables: Packaging, Print Ads, Promotional Items, Wallscape, Mobile App, Greenscape, Digital Banner Ads
Promotional Hair Brushes for the Campaign
Billboard Ad - Rooftop honey operations have been on the rise in urban environments to increase the bee populations for inner city ecosystems. The billboard signs will incorporate these local honey farms and Burt's Bees products will be sold at all participating rooftop honey businesses.
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